Thanks Ganesh for bringing them in to put up a show at TRCC. Had a great time working with koreans. I cannot forget Evan, their lighting designer. A regular korean fellow who loves Hip-Hop and RnB, but complains too much about not having a girlfriend. But he did mentioned that he's hoping to get a singaporean one. Not sure if he's desperate or a playboy tho...
The kids were great as well. Altho the lead actor can't really sing, but there's lotsa others to cover him up. Well... Just enjoy the pics! Thanks Mr Phang and Thub for the wonderful pics!

One of the backdrops
Waiting for cue to go onstage.
Our Flyguys! They ain't no shyguys!
TRCC Show crew and Theatre Seoul Cast
I even did a show cameo with Mazlan !!! Pic below !!!
Nahh... Jus kidding. Those are hand-painted canvas backdrops mind you! And yeah, they look so real, I just get the urge... :)
u finally found time to blog about all that has taken place in the past 2 months. (: